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Wysoki testosteron u kobiet co zrobić i jak go obniżyć? Dietetyka hormonalna kobiet

Wysoki testosteron u kobiet co zrobić i jak go obniżyć? Dietetyka hormonalna kobiet

Potwierdzony zespół policystycznych jajnikówu kobiety również prowadzi do nadprodukcji tego hormonu. Przyczyn niektórych dolegliwości doszukujemy się w spadku odporności, niedoborach witaminowych czy nadmiernym stresie. Przewlekłe zmęczenie, dodatkowe centymetry w talii czy wypadające włosy staramy się likwidować łykając suplementy i zmieniając dietę. Niektóre objawy mogą być jednak związane z tym, że jeden z układów nie działa prawidłowo, a w organizmie dochodzi do wielu zmian o podłożu hormonalnym. Jak objawia się nadmiar testosteronu u kobiet i skąd on się bierze? Inną formą terapii stosowaną w celu obniżenia poziomu testosteronu u kobiet jest terapia zastrzykowa.

Z uwagi na to, że zarówno kortyzol, jak i DHEA powstają z cholesterolu nadmiar kortyzolu może zaburzać produkcję DHEA. Ma to szczególnie miejsce w trakcie przewlekłego stresu, gdy dochodzi do ciągłego wyrzut kortyzolu przez nadnercza, kosztem produkcji DHEA, którego poziom we krwi się obniża. Diagnostyka czynności tarczycy polega na badaniu poziomu TSH, który jest obecnie najczulszym wskaźnikiem zaburzeń czynnościowych tego narządu. Poziom TSH na czczo jest zależny od wieku i powinien wynosić u osób dorosłych od 0,3 do 4 mU/l. Jednak uważa się, że wartości powyżej 2 mU/l z współwystępującymi objawami niedoczynności tarczycy mogą już świadczyć o zaburzeniach jej czynności. Z punktu widzenia problemów z masą ciała istotne jest stwierdzenie niedoczynności tarczycy (za wysoki poziom TSH i za niski fT3 i fT4), gdyż prowadzi ona do przybierania na wadze.

  • W okresie dojrzewania estrogeny u kobiet odpowiadają za zwiększenie ilości tkanki tłuszczowej.
  • Hormon ten wpływa na płodność kobiety, a jego stężenie zmienia się w zależności od cyklu menstruacyjnego.
  • Chirurgiczne usunięcie jajników lub macicy może skutecznie zmniejszyć produkcję hormonów męskich przez organizm i tym samym obniżyć poziom testosteronu u kobiety.
  • Testosteron jest głównym męskim hormonem płciowym, który warunkuje rozwój drugorzędowych cech płciowych, dojrzewanie płciowe oraz prawidłowe funkcje seksualne u mężczyzn.

Hormony pełnią różne funkcje i najczęściej oddziałują na kilka narządów jednocześnie. Na poziom glukozy we krwi, zawartość tkanki tłuszczowej, a także na nerwowe ośrodki głodu i sytości. W trakcie i po posiłku instruują organizm, czy spożyty pokarm ma zostać wykorzystany jako źródło energii, zmagazynowany w postaci Drostanolone zakupy tkanki tłuszczowej, czy użyty do budowy mięśni.

Nadwaga i otyłość hormonalna – hormony nadnerczy: kortyzol i DHEA

W wyniku pojawienia się niekorzystnych zmian u osoby chorej może dojść do znacznego spadku samooceny, a nawet depresji. „Uprawnienie medyczne w leczeniu problemów hormonalnych u kobiet jest niestety nadal powszechne i należy je aktywnie walczyć”, przekonuje dr Mark Davis, badacz etyki opieki zdrowotnej. „Długoterminowe metody leczenia muszą być stale oceniane w celu oceny ich stosunku ryzyka i korzyści”, ostrzega dr Jane Collins, endokrynologa. Długotrwałe stosowanie leczenia takich jak HRT może prowadzić do poważniejszych zagrożeń dla zdrowia, w tym zwiększonego prawdopodobieństwa raka piersi, chorób serca i udaru mózgu. Krótkoterminowe skutki uboczne leczenia, takie jak HRT i leki mogą obejmować nudności, bóle głowy i huśtawki nastroju. „Opcje chirurgiczne są zazwyczaj ostatecznie i są używane tylko w ciężkich przypadkach”, ostrzega dr Laura Wilson, chirurg specjalizujący się w zaburzeniach hormonalnych.

Wysoki testosteron u kobiet – jakie badania wykonać?

Z powodu podwyższonego poziomu kwasów tłuszczowych we krwi oraz adaptacji do insulinooporności. Niedobór hormonu wzrostu u dzieci powoduje karłowatość przysadkową, natomiast u dorosłych niekorzystnie wpływ na skład masy ciała. Zbyt mała ilość tego hormonu powoduje gromadzenie tkanki tłuszczowej, szczególnie w okolicy brzucha, zmniejszenie masy mięśniowej oraz wzrost poziomu lipidów we krwi. Bycie „męskim” oddawna kojarzone jest z wydzielaniem testosteronu. Hormon ten odpowiada nie tylko za męskie libido oraz ma ogromny wpływ na wytwarzanie niezbędnych w celu zapłodnienia plemników, ale także jest niezbędny w celu budowania masy mięśniowej.

Jak testosteron wpływa na kobiety i mężczyzn?

Niewłaściwe działanie nadnerczy skutkuje nadmiarem DHEA-S, co może wywoływać wiele problemów zdrowotnych. Sprawdzanie poziomu testosteronu u kobiet jest ważne z różnych powodów. Może pomóc w zidentyfikowaniu przyczyny nieregularności miesiączek, w tym ich braku. Ponadto pomaga w diagnozowaniu takich stanów jak zespół policystycznych jajników (PCOS), charakteryzujący się podwyższonym poziomem testosteronu, i innych zaburzeń hormonalnych.

how to calculate attrition

Чем больше штат специалистов, тем чаще следует анализировать уровень отсева, чтобы найти причины частых увольнений. В предыдущей публикации мы рассмотрели основные показатели для определения оттока сотрудников контакт центра. Привели формулы расчета общего, принудительного и добровольного отсева, а также подробно разобрали, безиндикаторные стратегии форекс как рассчитывать уровень увольнения новых специалистов. Аргументируя перед высшим руководством необходимость инвестиций в усовершенствование call центра, важно отображать коэффициенты отсева не просто в виде процентов.

Преодоление указанных препятствий требует how to calculate attrition конкретных решений в зависимости от различных обстоятельств, которые будут рассмотрены в данной статье. При правильном расчете коэффициентов удастся найти и устранить причины большой текучести кадров. Как итог, компания сможет избежать лишних затрат на найм и обучение новых специалистов. Организация сформирует команду квалифицированных сотрудников, которые заинтересованы в высоких показателях производительности и предоставляют клиентам первоклассный сервис. Проблема заключается в том, что иногда при расчетах принудительный отсев исключается из общего показателя оттока, ведь уход специалистов не был добровольным.

Распространенные ошибки при расчете коэффициентов оттока

Необходимо продемонстрировать, какие финансовые потери несет компания при увеличении текучести кадров. Тогда руководители будут более заинтересованы в том, чтобы выделить средства на развитие команды. Корректное распределение стоимости, созданной в ходе сделки M&A, является неизбежным вопросом для заинтересованных сторон. Оценка отношений с клиентами невозможна без изучения модели выбытия, выраженной в коэффициенте оттока.

  1. Кроме того, необходимо правильно интерпретировать полученные показатели для высшего руководства.
  2. Аргументируя перед высшим руководством необходимость инвестиций в усовершенствование call центра, важно отображать коэффициенты отсева не просто в виде процентов.
  3. В предыдущей публикации мы рассмотрели основные показатели для определения оттока сотрудников контакт центра.
  4. Также важно акцентировать внимание на том, что увольнение опытных специалистов влечет за собой снижение качества обслуживания клиентов.
  5. При правильном расчете коэффициентов удастся найти и устранить причины большой текучести кадров.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Isaev K. D.

how to calculate attrition

Чтобы проанализировать причины текучести кадров, необходимо грамотно рассчитать коэффициенты оттока персонала. Важно учитывать общий уровень, показатели принудительного и добровольного отсева, а также коэффициент увольнения новых сотрудников. При расчетах важно не допускать распространенных ошибок, правильно подбирать анализируемый период.

«Общее количество» вместо «среднего количества» сотрудников

Но это не самый верный подход, поскольку вынужденное сокращение штата все равно влечет за собой издержки для бизнеса. Чтобы рассчитать среднее значение, для начала необходимо выбрать анализируемый период. Затем необходимо взять число сотрудников, работавших в начале периода, прибавить число специалистов, оставшихся к его концу, и разделить полученное значение на два. Ключевые слова Нематериальные активы, коэффициент оттока, коэффициент выбытия, распределение стоимости, метод избыточных доходов. Кроме того, необходимо правильно интерпретировать полученные показатели для высшего руководства.

  1. Оценка отношений с клиентами невозможна без изучения модели выбытия, выраженной в коэффициенте оттока.
  2. Но это не самый верный подход, поскольку вынужденное сокращение штата все равно влечет за собой издержки для бизнеса.
  3. Это поможет аргументировать необходимость дополнительных инвестиций в развитие колл центра, удержание опытных операторов.
  4. Достаточно рассчитывать параметр раз в месяц или квартал, но все же делать это чаще, чем один раз в год.
  5. Корректное распределение стоимости, созданной в ходе сделки M&A, является неизбежным вопросом для заинтересованных сторон.
  6. Необходимо продемонстрировать, какие финансовые потери несет компания при увеличении текучести кадров.

Кроме того, этот метод помогает быстро определить причину резкого роста текучести кадров и устранить ее. Важно воплотить сухие проценты в жизнь, чтобы доказать необходимость инвестиций в удержание ценных кадров. Также важно акцентировать внимание на том, что увольнение опытных специалистов влечет за собой снижение качества обслуживания клиентов. Стоит отметить, что такой способ расчета подходит компаниям с большим штатом сотрудников. Достаточно рассчитывать параметр раз в месяц или квартал, но все же делать это чаще, чем один раз в год.

Это поможет аргументировать необходимость дополнительных инвестиций в развитие колл центра, удержание опытных операторов. Зачастую в качестве расчетного периода для определения коэффициента оттока выбирается один календарный год. В этой статье речь пойдет о распространенных ошибках, которые допускаются при расчетах, и будет сделан вывод о важности используемых метрик.

OpenAI Releases GPT-3, The Largest Model So Far

GPT-1 to GPT-4: Each of OpenAI’s GPT Models Explained and Compared

gpt3 release date

The difficulties we’re wrestling with today with narrow AI don’t come from the systems turning on us or wanting revenge or considering us inferior. Rather, they come from the disconnect between what we tell our systems to do and what we actually want them to do. But what makes it so important is less its capabilities and more the evidence it offers that just pouring more data and more computing time into the same approach gets you astonishing results.

Recent work has demonstrated substantial gains on many NLP tasks and benchmarks by pre-training on a large corpus of text followed by fine-tuning on a specific task. While typically task-agnostic in architecture, this method still requires task-specific fine-tuning datasets of thousands or tens of thousands of examples. By contrast, humans can generally perform a new language task from only a few examples or from simple instructions – something which current NLP systems still largely struggle to do. Here we show that scaling up language models greatly improves task-agnostic, few-shot performance, sometimes even reaching competitiveness with prior state-of-the-art fine-tuning approaches. Specifically, we train GPT-3, an autoregressive language model with 175 billion parameters, 10x more than any previous non-sparse language model, and test its performance in the few-shot setting. For all tasks, GPT-3 is applied without any gradient updates or fine-tuning, with tasks and few-shot demonstrations specified purely via text interaction with the model.

Supervised learning isn’t how humans acquire skills and knowledge. We make inferences about the world without the carefully delineated examples from supervised learning. A year ago I sat down to play with GPT-3’s precursor dubbed (you guessed it) GPT-2.

The researchers claim that GPT-3 can even generate news articles which human evaluators have difficulty distinguishing from articles written by humans. GPT-3 processes text input gpt3 release date to perform a variety of natural language tasks. It uses both natural language generation and natural language processing to understand and generate natural human language text.

GPT-3: Language Models are Few-Shot Learners

When given a prompt — say, a phrase or sentence — GPT-2 could write a decent news article, making up imaginary sources and organizations and referencing them across a couple of paragraphs. It was by no means intelligent — it didn’t really understand the world — but it was still an uncanny glimpse of what it might be like to interact with a computer that does. Vox is here to explain this unprecedented election cycle and help you understand the larger stakes. We will break down where the candidates stand on major issues, from economic policy to immigration, foreign policy, criminal justice, and abortion.

  • Our mission is to create clear, accessible journalism to empower understanding and action.
  • It struggled with tasks that required more complex reasoning and understanding of context.
  • That said, one will ask whether the machine is truly intelligent or is truly learning.
  • GPT-3 can respond to any text that a person types into the computer with a new piece of text that is appropriate to the context.
  • There is what’s known as the long tail, and sometimes a fat tail, of a probability distribution.
  • GPT-3 achieved promising results in the zero-shot and one-shot settings, and in the few-shot setting, occasionally surpassed state-of-the-art models.

It showcased a dramatic improvement in text generation capabilities and produced coherent, multi-paragraph text. But due to its potential misuse, GPT-2 wasn’t initially released to the public. The model was eventually launched in November 2019 after OpenAI conducted a staged rollout to study and mitigate potential risks.

It is a breathtaking triumph of simplicity that probably has many years of achievement ahead of it. Still, intelligence and learning can mean many things, and the goalposts have moved over the years for what is supposed to be artificial intelligence, as Pamela McCorduck, a historian of the field, has pointed out. Some might argue that a program that can calculate probabilities across vast assemblages of text may be a different kind of intelligence, perhaps an alien intelligence other than our own. As a sub-section of the black box issue, GPT-3 can in some cases simply memorize what it has absorbed from the web. If a company takes output from the API service that is copyrighted material, that company could be infringing on the copyright of another entity.

OpenAI released an early demo of ChatGPT on November 30, 2022, and the chatbot quickly went viral on social media as users shared examples of what it could do. Stories and samples included everything from travel planning to writing fables to code computer programs. Within five days, the chatbot had attracted over one million users.

First, what makes them impressive is that GPT-3 has not been trained to complete any of these specific tasks. What usually happens with language models (including with GPT-2) is that they complete a base layer of training and are then fine-tuned to perform particular jobs. Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) are a type of machine learning model used for natural language processing tasks.

If you’re impatient with the beta waitlist, you can in the meantime download the prior version, GPT-2, which can be run on a laptop using a Docker installation. Source code is posted in the same Github repository, in Python format for the TensorFlow framework. You won’t get the same results as GPT-3, of course, but it’s a way to start familiarizing yourself. An early example lit up the Twitter-verse, from app development startup Debuild. The company’s chief, Sharif Shameem, was able to construct a program where you type your description of a software UI in plain English, and GPT-3 responds with computer code using the JSX syntax extension to JavaScript.

OpenAI’s new language generator GPT-3 is shockingly good—and completely mindless

Half of the models are accessible through the API, namely GPT-3-medium, GPT-3-xl, GPT-3-6.7B and GPT-3-175b, which are referred to as ada, babbage, curie and davinci respectively. Not much is known about Apollo’s role in the film, but a recent conversation with costar Drew Starkey published in Interview Magazine indicates he plays one of Craig’s love interests in the film. Apollo, who is 6-foot-5 and weighed about 200 pounds before he was cast, told Starkey he went on “the soup diet” to lose 20 pounds before filming an intimate scene with Craig. HBO released the trailer and poster for the last season of the popular series My Brilliant Friend on August 6, 2024. You can catch the 10 new episodes starting Monday, September 9, at 9/8c on HBO.

And though people have used GPT-3 to write manifestos about GPT-3’s schemes to fool humans, GPT-3 is not anywhere near powerful enough to pose the risks that AI scientists warn of. By the standards of modern machine-learning research, GPT-3’s technical setup isn’t that impressive. It uses an architecture from 2018 — meaning, in a fast-moving field like this one, it’s already out of date. The research team largely didn’t fix the constraints on GPT-2, such as its small window of “memory” for what it has written so far, which many outside observers criticized. However, as with any technology, there are potential risks and limitations to consider. The ability of these models to generate highly realistic text and working code raises concerns about potential misuse, particularly in areas such as malware creation and disinformation.

For example, customer service centers can use GPT-3 to answer customer questions or support chatbots; sales teams can use it to connect with potential customers. This type of content also requires fast production and is low risk, meaning, if there is a mistake in the copy, the consequences are relatively minor. Whenever a large amount of text needs to be generated from a machine based on some small amount of text input, GPT-3 provides a good solution. Large language models, like GPT-3, are able to provide decent outputs given a handful of training examples.

Despite the time jump and many changes, their bond remains the core of the story. The researchers trained 8 different sizes of model ranging from 125 million parameters to 175 billion parameters, with the last being GPT-3. And a tool like this has many new uses, both good (from powering better chatbots to helping people code) and bad (from powering better misinformation bots to helping kids cheat on their homework). It’s also no surprise that many have been quick to start talking about intelligence. But GPT-3’s human-like output and striking versatility are the results of excellent engineering, not genuine smarts.

What is GPT-3?

Through multiplication, the many vectors of words, or word fragments, are given greater or lesser weighting in the final output as the neural network is tuned to close the error gap. They took a standard Transformer and fed it the contents of the BookCorpus, a database compiled by the University of Toronto and MIT consisting of over 7,000 published book texts totaling nearly a million words, a total of 5GB. Already, task automation is going beyond natural language to generating computer code. Code is a language, and GPT-3 can infer the most likely syntax of operators and operands in different programming languages, and it can produce sequences that can be successfully compiled and run. The ability to mirror natural language styles and to score relatively high on language-based tests can give the impression that GPT-3 is approaching a kind of human-like facility with language.

Whatever the genre or task, its textual output starts to become run-on and tedious, with internal inconsistencies in the narrative cropping up. There was so much excitement shortly after GPT-3 came out that the company’s CEO, Sam Altman, publicly told people to curb their enthusiasm. Multiplication is a simple thing, but when 175 billion weights have to be multiplied by every bit of input data, across billions of bytes of data, it becomes an incredible exercise in parallel computer processing. That freedom set the stage for another innovation that arrived in 2015 and that was even more central to OpenAI’s work, known as unsupervised learning.

Asked about copyright, OpenAI told ZDNet that the copyright for the text generated by GPT-3 “belongs to the user, not to OpenAI.” What that means in practice remains to be seen. Another big issue is the very broad, lowest-common-denominator nature of GPT-3, the fact that it reinforces only the fattest part of a curve of conditional Chat GPT probability. There is what’s known as the long tail, and sometimes a fat tail, of a probability distribution. These are less common instances that may constitute the most innovative examples of language use. Focusing on mirroring the most prevalent text in a society risks driving out creativity and exploration.

GPT-3, on the far right side of the graph, takes a lot more compute power than previous language models such as Google’s BERT. It was used by Google scientists two years later to create a language model program called the Transformer. The Transformer racked up incredible scores on tests of language manipulation. It became the de facto language model, and it was used by Google to create what’s known as BERT, another very successful language model. That action of prediction is known in machine learning as inference.

Here’s what GPT-3 can do

Google’s Transformer was a major breakthrough in language models in 2017. It compressed words into vectors and decompressed them through a series of neural net “layers” that would optimize the program’s calculations of the statistical probability that words would go together in a phrase. Each layer is just a collection of mathematical operations, mostly the multiplication of a vector representing a word by a matrix representing a numerical weighting. It is in the concatenation of successive layers of such simple operations that the network gains its power. Here is the basic anatomy of the Transformer, describing its different layers, which became the basis for OpenAI’s GPT-1, the first version, and remains the core approach today. GPT-3 is a computer program created by the privately held San Francisco startup OpenAI.

It had 117 million parameters, significantly improving previous state-of-the-art language models. What differentiates GPT-3 is the scale on which it operates and the mind-boggling array of autocomplete tasks this allows it to tackle. The first GPT, released in 2018, contained 117 million parameters, these being the weights of the connections between the network’s nodes, and a good proxy for the model’s complexity.

When the gap is as small as can be, the objective function has been optimized, and the language model’s neural net is considered trained. Natural language processing models made exponential leaps with the release of GPT-3 in 2020. With 175 billion parameters, GPT-3 is over 100 times larger than GPT-1 and over ten times larger than GPT-2. Using only a few snippets of example code text, GPT-3 can also create workable code that can be run without error, as programming code is a form of text.

For example, Google recently released a version of its BERT language model, called LaBSE, which demonstrates a marked improvement in language translation. GPT-3 is, as a boxing-style “tale of the tape” comparison would make clear, a real heavyweight bruiser of a contender. OpenAI’s original 2018 GPT had 110 million parameters, referring to the weights of the connections which enable a neural network to learn. 2019’s GPT-2, which caused much of the previous uproar about its potential malicious applications, possessed 1.5 billion parameters. Last month, Microsoft introduced what was then the world’s biggest similar pre-trained language model, boasting 17 billion parameters. 2020’s monstrous GPT-3, by comparison, has an astonishing 175 billion parameters.

What this unheeding depth and complexity enables, though, is a corresponding depth and complexity in output. You may have seen examples floating around Twitter and social media recently, but it turns out that an autocomplete AI is a wonderfully flexible tool simply because so much information can be stored as text. It is a coming-of-age drama TV series based on a book series by Elena Ferrante. While Apple Intelligence is by far the biggest update coming with iOS 18, its features are going to be released more piecemeal over the subsequent few months. And the more advanced features won’t be available on older iPhone models aside from the iPhone 15 Pro series. But the rest of the iOS 18 features will hit the handsets listed above.

If there are eventually to be diminishing returns, that point must be somewhere past the $10 million that went into GPT-3. And we should at least be considering the possibility that spending more money gets you a smarter and smarter system. GPT-3 is not a human-level intelligence even if it can, in short bursts, do an uncanny imitation of one. “GPT-3 is terrifying because it’s a tiny model compared to what’s possible, trained in the dumbest way possible,” Branwen tweeted. AI Dungeon is a text-based adventure game powered in part by GPT-3. Relatedly, GPT-3 will by default try to give reasonable responses to nonsense questions like “how many bonks are in a quoit”?

With the arrival of GPT-1, 2, and 3, the scale of computing has become an essential ingredient for progress. The models use more and more computer power when they are being trained to achieve better results. The OpenAI researchers, hypothesizing that more data made the model more accurate, pushed the boundaries of what the program could ingest. With GPT-2, they tossed aside the BookCorpus in favor of a homegrown data set, consisting of eight million web pages scraped from outbound links from Reddit, totaling 40GB of data.

With GPT-3, the researchers show that scaling up language models greatly improves task-agnostic, few-shot performance, sometimes even reaching competitiveness with prior state-of-the-art fine-tuning approaches. Already, models are under development that use more than a trillion parameters, according to companies briefed on top-secret AI projects. That’s probably not the limit, as long as hyper-scale companies such as Google are willing to devote their vast data centers to ever-larger models. Most AI scholars agree that bigger and bigger will be the norm for machine learning models for some time to come. Remember, too, new language models with similar capabilities appear all the time, and some of them may be sufficient for your purposes.

But recently, we’ve gotten better at creating computer systems that have generalized learning capabilities. Instead of mathematically describing detailed features of a problem, we let the computer system learn that by itself. While once we treated computer vision as a completely different problem from natural language processing or platform game playing, now we can solve all three problems with the same approaches.

With GPT-3, the number of parameters has swelled to 175 billion, making GPT-3 the biggest neural network the world has ever seen. “Releasing such a powerful model means that we need to go slow and be thoughtful about its impact on businesses, industries, and people,” the company said. “The format of an API allows us to study and moderate its uses appropriately, but we’re in no rush to make it generally available given its limitations.” Pricing for an eventual commercial service is still to be determined. Asked when the program will come out of beta, OpenAI told ZDNet, “not anytime soon.” GPT-3 is compute-hungry, putting it beyond the use of most companies in any conceivable on-premise fashion.

Instead, GPT-3 can dynamically generate a changing state of gameplay in response to users’ typed actions. You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. Generating a response means GPT-3 can go way beyond simply producing writing. It can perform on all kinds of tests including tests of reasoning that involve a natural-language response.

It’s an order of magnitude larger than the largest previous language models. The focus up until that time for most language models had been supervised learning with what is known as labeled data. Given an input, a neural net is also given an example output as the objective version of the answer. So, if the task is translation, an English-language sentence might be the input, and a human-created French translation would be supplied as the desired goal, and the pair of sentences constitute a labeled example. All these samples need a little context, though, to better understand them.

For example, we tell an AI system to run up a high score in a video game. We want it to play the game fairly and learn game skills, but if it has the chance to directly hack the scoring system, it will do that to achieve the goal we set for it. That suggests there’s potential for a lot more improvements that will one day make GPT-3 look as shoddy as GPT-2 now does by comparison.

For example, in the sentence, I wanted to make an omelet, so I went to the fridge and took out some ____, the blank can be filled with any word, even gibberish, given the infinite composability of language. OpenAI’s latest venture into AI might be its most impressive one to date. Dubbed “Sora,” this new text-to-video AI model has just opened its doors to a limited number of users who will get to test it.

gpt3 release date

At the same time, we also identify some datasets where GPT-3’s few-shot learning still struggles, as well as some datasets where GPT-3 faces methodological issues related to training on large web corpora. Finally, we find that GPT-3 can generate samples of news articles which human evaluators have difficulty distinguishing from articles written by humans. We discuss broader societal impacts of this finding and of GPT-3 in general. In May 2020, Open AI published a groundbreaking paper titled Language Models Are Few-Shot Learners. They presented GPT-3, a language model that holds the record for being the largest neural network ever created with 175 billion parameters.

Telling it the story won an award changes what text seems most plausible. Skeptics have argued that those short bursts of uncanny imitation are driving more hype than GPT-3 really deserves. They point out that if a prompt is not carefully designed, GPT-3 will give poor-quality answers — which is absolutely the case, though that ought to guide us toward better prompt design, not give up on GPT-3. Branwen fed it a prompt — a few words expressing skepticism about AI — and GPT-3 came up with a long and convincing rant about how computers won’t ever be really intelligent. In the weeks that followed, people got the chance to play with the program.

GPT-4: how to use the AI chatbot that puts ChatGPT to shame – Digital Trends

GPT-4: how to use the AI chatbot that puts ChatGPT to shame.

Posted: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

If they’re made with deep learning, they will be hard for us to interpret, and their behavior will be confusing and highly variable, sometimes seeming much smarter than humans and sometimes not so much. You can ask GPT-3 to write simpler versions of complicated instructions, or write excessively complicated instructions for simple tasks. At least one person has gotten GPT-3 to write a productivity blog whose bot-written posts performed quite well on the tech news aggregator Hacker News.

But weighing the significance and prevalence of these errors is hard. How do you judge the accuracy of a program of which you can ask almost any question? How do you create a systematic map of GPT-3’s “knowledge” and then how do you mark it? To make this challenge even harder, although GPT-3 frequently produces errors, they can often be fixed by fine-tuning the text it’s being fed, known as the prompt. The most exciting new arrival in the world of AI looks, on the surface, disarmingly simple.

During the brief look at the new heist, the Payday gang can be seen using a minigun and a new heavy shotgun, as well as a Desert Eagle and what appears to be a new SMG or rifle. September 2024 is the perfect time to check out new horror and thriller books, as many are hitting shelves ahead of the Halloween season. The film is set in Winter River, Connecticut, 36 years after the events of the original. Viewers will see Delia, her stepdaughter Lydia and Lydia’s daughter Astrid (Jenna Ortega) gather for the funeral of the family patriarch, Charles. Astrid stumbles upon an old model of Winter River in the attic and the portal to the afterlife is accidentally opened, releasing Betelgeuse. The show is divided into four seasons, each one based on a different novel.

GPT-3 is a huge leap forward—but it is still a tool made by humans, with all the flaws and limitations that implies. Indeed, the coming years will likely see this very general approach spread to other modalities beyond text, such as images and video. Imagine a program like GPT-3 that can translate images to words and vice versa without any specific algorithm to model the relation between the two.

Generating content understandable to humans has historically been a challenge for machines that don’t know the complexities and nuances of language. GPT-3 has been used to create articles, poetry, stories, news reports and dialogue using a small amount of input text that can be used to produce large amounts of copy. The name GPT-3 is an acronym that stands for “generative pre-training,” of which this is the third version so far. It’s generative because unlike other neural networks that spit out a numeric score or a yes or no answer, GPT-3 can generate long sequences of original text as its output. It is pre-trained in the sense that is has not been built with any domain knowledge, even though it can complete domain-specific tasks, such as foreign-language translation.

gpt3 release date

Others might develop a particular learning style by trying to accommodate to a learning environment that was not well suited to their learning needs. Ultimately, we need to understand the interactions among learning styles and environmental and personal factors, and how these shape how we learn and the kinds of learning we experience.

ChatGPT was designed in part to reduce the possibility of harmful or deceitful responses. Despite many limitations and weaknesses, the researchers conclude that very large language models may be an important ingredient in the development of adaptable, general language systems. OpenAI researchers released a paper describing the development of GPT-3, a state-of-the-art language model made up of 175 billion parameters. Microsoft is in the process of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language understanding into its core products. GitHub Copilot uses OpenAI’s Codex engine to provide autocomplete features for developers.

If it is possible to consider other forms of intelligence, then an emergent property such as the distributed representations that take shape inside neural nets may be one place to look for it. At the moment, the biggest practical shortcoming is the scale required to train and run GPT-3. The authors write that work needs to be done to calculate how the cost of large models is amortized over time based on the value of the output produced.

Corso di VIAGRON 100 Hilma Biocare

Corso di VIAGRON 100 Hilma Biocare

Il corso di VIAGRON 100 Hilma Biocare rappresenta un’opportunità unica per tutti coloro che desiderano approfondire la conoscenza di questo prodotto innovativo nel campo della salute e del benessere. In questo articolo, esploreremo i principali aspetti di questo corso, i suoi obiettivi e come può beneficiare gli utenti finali.

Obiettivi del Corso

Il corso di VIAGRON 100 Hilma Biocare è progettato per fornire ai partecipanti una comprensione completa delle caratteristiche e dei benefici di VIAGRON 100. Gli obiettivi principali includono:

  • Comprendere le proprietà chimiche di VIAGRON 100.
  • Scoprire come utilizzare il prodotto in modo efficace.
  • Analizzare i benefici per la salute e il benessere associati a questo integratore.
  • Valutare le controindicazioni e le modalità d’uso sicure.

Contenuti del Corso

Durante il corso di VIAGRON 100 Hilma Biocare, i partecipanti avranno accesso a una varietà di materiali didattici, tra cui:

– Presentazioni multimediali – Documentazione informativa – Sessioni interattive con esperti del settore

Benefici del Corso

Partecipare al corso di VIAGRON 100 Hilma Biocare offre numerosi vantaggi, tra cui:

  1. Acquisizione di competenze pratiche nell’uso di VIAGRON 100.
  2. Accesso a informazioni aggiornate e ricerche recenti.
  3. Possibilità di interagire con professionisti del settore e scambiare esperienze.
  4. Crescita personale e professionale nel campo della salute naturale.

FAQ sul Corso

Chi può partecipare al corso?

Il corso è aperto a chiunque sia interessato a conoscere meglio il prodotto, dai neofiti agli esperti del settore della salute.

Qual è la durata del corso?

La durata del corso di VIAGRON 100 Hilma Biocare è di circa due giorni, con sessioni intensive dedicate a ciascun argomento.

Ci sono requisiti specifici per l’iscrizione?

No, non ci sono requisiti particolari. È consigliato avere una curiosità verso il tema della salute e del benessere.

Come posso iscrivermi?

Le iscrizioni si effettuano tramite il sito ufficiale di Hilma Biocare o contattando direttamente l’organizzazione del corso.

In sintesi, il corso di VIAGRON 100 Hilma Biocare è un’opportunità imperdibile per chi desidera approfondire la propria conoscenza su un prodotto di fondamentale importanza nel panorama della salute naturale. Non perdere l’occasione di partecipare e migliorare le tue competenze!

Corso di PROPANDROLO 100mg

Corso di PROPANDROLO 100mg

Il corso di PROPANDROLO 100mg è un argomento di crescente interesse nel mondo del fitness e dell’allenamento. Questo steroide anabolizzante, appartenente alla categoria degli androgeni, viene utilizzato da atleti e bodybuilder per migliorare le prestazioni fisiche e aumentare la massa muscolare.


Il PROPANDROLO è un derivato sintetico del testosterone. La sua formula chimica permette una rapida assimilazione nel corpo, rendendolo molto efficace per chi cerca di ottenere risultati visibili in tempi brevi. Durante un corso di PROPANDROLO 100mg, gli utenti possono sperimentare aumenti significativi nella forza e nella resistenza.

Benefici del PROPANDROLO

  • Aumento della massa muscolare magra
  • Incremento della forza fisica
  • Miglioramento della resistenza durante l’attività fisica
  • Recupero più rapido dopo gli allenamenti intensi

Come si utilizza il PROPANDROLO 100mg

Un corso di PROPANDROLO 100mg tipicamente dura da 6 a 12 settimane, con dosaggi che variano a seconda delle esigenze individuali e dell’esperienza pregressa con steroidi. È fondamentale seguire un protocollo adeguato per massimizzare i benefici e ridurre al minimo gli effetti collaterali.

Dosaggio e cicli

Il dosaggio standard per il corso di PROPANDROLO 100mg è di solito compreso tra 200mg e 600mg a settimana, suddivisi in somministrazioni giornaliere. È importante monitorare come il corpo reagisce e apportare modifiche se necessario.

Effetti collaterali

Nonostante i numerosi vantaggi, l’uso di PROPANDROLO non è esente da rischi. Gli effetti collaterali possono includere:

  • Acne e pelle grassa
  • Ritenzione idrica
  • Aumento della pressione sanguigna
  • Alterazioni dell’umore

È consigliato consultare un medico o un esperto prima di iniziare un corso di PROPANDROLO 100mg per valutare i potenziali rischi e beneficiare di un supporto professionale durante il percorso.


Il corso di PROPANDROLO 100mg può rappresentare un’opzione valida per chi desidera migliorare le proprie performance fisiche e raggiungere risultati ambiziosi nel bodybuilding. Tuttavia, è essenziale affrontare l’uso di steroidi anabolizzanti con responsabilità e informarsi adeguatamente sui protocolli sicuri e sui possibili effetti collaterali.

Corso di Genesis Meds Boldenon Undecylenat 250mg 10ml

Corso di Genesis Meds Boldenon Undecylenat 250mg 10ml

Il corso di Genesis Meds Boldenon Undecylenat 250mg 10ml è un argomento di grande interesse per gli appassionati di fitness e bodybuilding. Questo steroide anabolizzante è noto per i suoi effetti positivi sullo sviluppo muscolare e sulle prestazioni atletiche. In questo articolo esploreremo le caratteristiche, i benefici e le modalità d’uso di questo prodotto.

Cosa è il Boldenon Undecylenat?

Il Boldenon Undecylenat, comunemente conosciuto come Equipoise, è uno steroide anabolizzante frequentemente utilizzato nel mondo del bodybuilding. È derivato dal testosterone ed è particolarmente apprezzato per i seguenti motivi:

  • Aumento della massa muscolare magra
  • Miglioramento della resistenza e della forza
  • Stimolazione dell’appetito

Caratteristiche del Prodotto

Il corso di Genesis Meds Boldenon Undecylenat 250mg 10ml presenta alcune caratteristiche distintive che lo rendono un’opzione popolare tra gli sportivi:

– **Concentrazione**: 250mg per ml – **Volume**: 10ml per flacone – **Uso**: Iniezione intramuscolare – **Durata effettiva**: Offre effetti prolungati rispetto ad altri steroidi

Benefici dell’Utilizzo

Tra i principali vantaggi del corso di Genesis Meds Boldenon Undecylenat 250mg 10ml, troviamo:

1. **Aumento della massa muscolare**: Favorisce la sintesi proteica e promuove l’accumulo di massa muscolare. 2. **Migliore recupero**: Riduce i tempi di recupero tra gli allenamenti intensi. 3. **Incremento della resistenza**: Consente sessioni di allenamento più lunghe e intense. 4. **Minori effetti collaterali**: Rispetto ad altri steroidi, ha un profilo di sicurezza migliore.

Modalità d’Uso

È fondamentale seguire un protocollo appropriato durante il corso di Genesis Meds Boldenon Undecylenat 250mg 10ml. Ecco alcune linee guida generali:

– **Dosaggio consigliato**: 200-600 mg a settimana, a seconda delle esigenze individuali. – **Durata del ciclo**: Da 8 a 12 settimane. – **Piano di post-ciclo**: Non dimenticare di includere una terapia post-ciclo (PCT) per ripristinare gli equilibri ormonali.

Domande Frequenti

Quali sono gli effetti collaterali del Boldenon Undecylenat?

Gli effetti collaterali possono includere acne, aumento della pressione sanguigna e cambiamenti nei livelli di colesterolo. È importante monitorare il proprio stato di salute durante l’uso.

È legale acquistare Boldenon?

Le leggi sull’acquisto e sull’uso di steroidi anabolizzanti variano da paese a paese. Assicurati di informarti sulle normative locali.

Posso usare Boldenon con altri steroidi?

Sì, molti atleti combinano il Boldenon con altri steroidi per ottenere risultati migliori. Tuttavia, è essenziale conoscere le interazioni e i rischi associati.

In conclusione, il corso di Genesis Meds Boldenon Undecylenat 250mg 10ml è un’opzione interessante per chi cerca di migliorare le proprie prestazioni sportive e aumentare la massa muscolare. Come sempre, si consiglia di agire con cautela e di consultare un professionista della salute prima di intraprendere qualsiasi ciclo di steroidi anabolizzanti.

Corso di Clomid 50 mg a Hubei Huangshi Nanshang

Corso di Clomid 50 mg a Hubei Huangshi Nanshang

Il corso di Clomid 50 mg è una pratica comune per trattare l’infertilità nelle donne. Questo farmaco, conosciuto anche come clomifene citrato, è utilizzato per stimolare l’ovulazione e migliorare le possibilità di concepimento. In questa guida, esploreremo i dettagli relativi al trattamento a Hubei Huangshi Nanshang.

Cosa è il Clomid?

Il Clomid è un modulatore selettivo del recettore degli estrogeni (SERM) che aiuta a indurre l’ovulazione. È spesso prescritto alle donne che non ovulano regolarmente o che hanno problemi di fertilità.

Indicazioni per l’uso di Clomid

  • Ovulazione irregolare o assente
  • Disturbi mestruali
  • Infertilità senza causa apparente

Struttura del Corso di Clomid 50 mg

Il corso di Clomid 50 mg di solito dura cinque giorni, iniziando il quinto giorno del ciclo mestruale. Le dosi possono variare a seconda della risposta individuale della paziente e delle indicazioni del medico.

Dosaggio Tipico

  1. Prendere una compressa di Clomid da 50 mg per cinque giorni
  2. Monitorare la risposta del corpo attraverso ecografie e analisi ormonali
  3. Ri-valutare con il medico per eventuali aggiustamenti del dosaggio

Effetti Collaterali Comuni

Come tutti i farmaci, il Clomid può avere effetti collaterali. Alcuni dei più comuni includono:

  • Vampate di calore
  • Secchezza vaginale
  • Mal di testa
  • Ansia o irritabilità

FAQ sul Corso di Clomid 50 mg

1. Quanto tempo ci vuole prima di vedere risultati dal Clomid?

Ogni donna risponde in modo diverso. Alcune possono ovulare già dopo il primo ciclo, mentre altre potrebbero aver bisogno di più tentativi.

2. Posso assumere Clomid se sono in gravidanza?

No, il Clomid non deve essere assunto durante la gravidanza. È importante seguire le indicazioni del medico per evitare rischi.

3. Quali test sono necessari durante il corso di Clomid?

È fondamentale effettuare monitoraggi regolari attraverso ecografie e analisi del sangue per valutare la risposta del corpo al trattamento.

Considerazioni Finali

Il corso di Clomid 50 mg a Hubei Huangshi Nanshang offre una soluzione promettente per molte donne che cercano di concepire. Tuttavia, è essenziale consultare un medico esperto per personalizzare il trattamento in base alle proprie esigenze e monitorare eventuali effetti collaterali.

Corso di Bold 250mg Spectrum-Pharma

Corso di Bold 250mg Spectrum-Pharma

Negli ultimi anni, l’uso di steroidi anabolizzanti è diventato sempre più comune tra atleti e appassionati di fitness. Tra questi, uno dei prodotti più noti è il corso di Bold 250mg Spectrum-Pharma. Questo articolo esplorerà i benefici, gli effetti collaterali e le modalità d’uso di questo composto.

Che cos’è il Bold 250mg?

Il Bold 250mg Spectrum-Pharma è un estere di testosterone, noto anche come Boldenone Undecylenate. Utilizzato principalmente in ambito veterinario, ha trovato applicazione anche nel bodybuilding per le sue proprietà anabolizzanti. La sua azione favorisce l’aumento della massa muscolare magra e migliora la performance atletica.

Benefici del Corso di Bold 250mg

L’assunzione di Bold 250mg può portare a diversi vantaggi, tra cui:

  • Aumento della massa muscolare: Favorisce la sintesi proteica, risultando efficace per chi desidera incrementare la massa muscolare.
  • Incremento della forza: Gli utenti spesso riportano miglioramenti significativi nella forza durante gli allenamenti.
  • Miglioramento della resistenza: Consente di allenarsi più a lungo e con maggiore intensità.
  • Ritenzione di azoto: Aiuta a mantenere un bilancio azotato positivo, fondamentale per la crescita muscolare.

Modalità d’uso

Un tipico corso di Bold 250mg Spectrum-Pharma prevede un ciclo di somministrazione che dura generalmente da 8 a 12 settimane. La dose raccomandata varia in base all’esperienza dell’utilizzatore e agli obiettivi personali. È fondamentale seguire un protocollo adeguato per massimizzare i risultati e minimizzare i rischi.

Dosaggio consigliato

Un dosaggio comune per i principianti si aggira intorno ai 250-500 mg a settimana. Tuttavia, è importante consultare un professionista della salute prima di iniziare qualsiasi ciclo di steroidi, poiché ogni individuo reagisce in modo diverso.

Effetti collaterali

Come con qualsiasi sostanza anabolizzante, ci sono potenziali effetti collaterali associati all’uso del Bold 250mg. Questi possono includere:

  • Problemi ormonali: Alterazioni nei livelli di testosterone e estrogeni.
  • Ritenzione idrica: Possibile gonfiore e aumento di peso.
  • Acne e problemi cutanei: Aumento della produzione di sebo.
  • Alterazioni dell’umore: Possibili sbalzi d’umore o aggressività.


Il corso di Bold 250mg Spectrum-Pharma può essere un’opzione valida per chi cerca di migliorare le proprie prestazioni sportive e aumentare la massa muscolare. Tuttavia, è cruciale essere consapevoli degli effetti collaterali e adottare un approccio responsabile. Consultare un esperto è sempre consigliato prima di intraprendere un ciclo di steroidi anabolizzanti.

Corso di Alpha Pharma Rexogin 50 mg 10 Ampere

Corso di Alpha Pharma Rexogin 50 mg 10 Ampere

Il corso di Alpha Pharma Rexogin 50 mg 10 Ampere è particolarmente rinomato nel campo del miglioramento delle performance fisiche e della costruzione muscolare. Questo prodotto è una soluzione ideale per atleti e bodybuilder che cercano di ottenere risultati efficaci e rapidi.

Cosa è il Rexogin?

Il Rexogin è un anabolizzante steroideo che contiene la sostanza attiva Oxandrolone. È apprezzato per la sua capacità di promuovere la crescita muscolare con effetti collaterali minimi rispetto ad altri steroidi. L’Alpha Pharma Rexogin 50 mg 10 Ampere è disponibile in fiale da 10 ampere, rendendolo comodo da somministrare.

Benefici dell’uso di Rexogin

  • Aumento della massa muscolare: Facilita la sintesi proteica e promuove la crescita muscolare.
  • Recupero rapido: Riduce i tempi di recupero dopo allenamenti intensi.
  • Minor rischio di ritenzione idrica: Ideale per chi desidera mantenere un aspetto asciutto durante il ciclo.

Come utilizzare il Corso di Alpha Pharma Rexogin

La dose raccomandata per il corso di Alpha Pharma Rexogin 50 mg 10 Ampere varia a seconda dell’obiettivo personale e del livello di esperienza. È fondamentale seguire un protocollo preciso per massimizzare i risultati e minimizzare gli effetti indesiderati.

Esempio di ciclo

Un ciclo tipico può durare da 6 a 8 settimane, con una dose quotidiana di 50 mg. Si consiglia di monitorare attentamente la propria salute e di consultare un professionista prima di iniziare qualsiasi trattamento.

Considerazioni finali

Utilizzare Alpha Pharma Rexogin 50 mg 10 Ampere richiede responsabilità e attenzione. È essenziale abbinare l’uso di steroidi a una dieta equilibrata e a un programma di allenamento adeguato. Solo così si possono ottenere i migliori risultati senza compromettere la propria salute.

Prima di intraprendere un corso di Alpha Pharma Rexogin, è consigliabile informarsi approfonditamente e considerare eventuali controindicazioni e effetti collaterali. Una corretta pianificazione garantirà un’esperienza positiva e proficua.

8 best accounting tools for startups

tech startup accounting

A bookkeeper typically focuses on processing and recording transactions, including things like invoices, receivables, payments, and other essential functions. As your startup grows, you’re going to need a greater degree of accounting proficiency to create budgets, handle your financial statements, develop forecasts, and provide reports to your board. Raising capital or considering an acquisition means you’ll need skilled accounting practitioners to help you. Another major area where CPAs can be much better than a simple bookkeeper are producing tax returns – and interacting with tax authorities like the IRS or state tax agencies.

  • This can help you identify areas where you can optimize your product offerings to meet and exceed your goals.
  • By allocating resources based on priorities and goals, startups can direct their funds towards essential areas such as product development, marketing, and talent acquisition.
  • This section breaks down essential accounting tasks into manageable steps.
  • Journal entries are the very first recordings of the financial transactions of your startup.

What are the key strategies and tools for streamlining financial reporting?

At Kruze, we offer unparalleled tax advisory services that cater specifically to the diverse and ever-evolving needs of NYC startups. Our team of seasoned tax professionals is equipped to guide your business through the maze of state, city, and federal tax deadlines, ensuring compliance and optimizing What is Legal E-Billing your financial strategy. Well-maintained and managed finances can support your efforts to build business credit, obtain funding, and clinch partnerships with much larger businesses.

How Do You Start a New Business Accounting System?

There’s a lot of documentation that goes into each one of the tasks above. Tracking and documenting the above could be done manually (on spreadsheets and physical folders) or through automated accounting software. This flow of auto-applying payments for open invoices takes us straight to reconciliation. When there comes time to reconcile your bank account with your books, all transactions are pre-matched and neatly aligned for your approval.

Reg CF Review Practices

tech startup accounting

With an organization as fast-moving as a startup, it’s important to plan for all contingencies, and your accountant should help you do that with a proper financial model. Another example of industry-specific differences for startups is eCommerce. Regarding the number of employees, sales, and market share, startups look an awful lot like small businesses. While it’s true that startups and small businesses operate simultaneously, a startup has its sights set on larger horizons than a small business – with big implications. Tech companies often use subscription models, where customers pay regularly.

tech startup accounting

Developing KPIs for accounting functions allows tech startups to identify areas for improvement and set clear targets for financial performance. Reimagining accounting goes beyond compliance—it’s a step towards driving your tech company’s growth. A refined approach to accounting gives tech leaders crucial, immediate financial insights for better decision-making. This rapid expansion can complicate financial planning, cash flow management, and revenue recognition.

  • Finally, below, we’ve answered some frequently asked accounting questions that business owners have.
  • Just ask Tom, whose subscription-based software company had trouble with revenue recognition.
  • Your accountant can support this effort by modeling your current and prospective customer base for monetization.
  • Cost is also important to factor in when purchasing accounting software.
  • As mentioned before, as a startup founder, you may not have the time or knowledge to handle it properly.

tech startup accounting

By generating your financial statements and reports, the accountant can focus on ensuring clean books. While you may find accounting or ERP software that manages this for you, you’ll still want the eye of an accountant to confirm that you are always in compliance. Your accountant will know where to find information about the relevant jurisdictions you operate in and keep your accounting systems accurate.